Chocolate is the name for the processed food or drinks from the seeds of cacao (Theobroma cacao). Who does’nt like chocolate ? adults up to children love chocolate. But, most women avoid chocolate because fear of being fat. In fact, chocolate containing cocoa (cocoa seeds) more than 70% has many health benefits because chocolate contains antioxidants. The amount of oxidant content in chocolate three times more than green tea. As antioxidants able to reduce cholesterol in the blood able to reduce cholesterol in the blood so that it can reduce the risk of heart attack also useful to prevent cancer in the body, prevent the occurrence of stroke and high blood pressure. In addition to the grease content in Chocolate high quality proven cholesterol-free and does not clog arteries.
Chocolate also contains some vitamins that are useful for body such vitamins A, vitamins B1, vitamins C, vitamins D, dan vitamins E. Moreover, chocolate also contains substances and nutrients which is important for the body such as iron, potassium and calcium. Cocoa is the highest natural source of magnesium. If a person is deficient in magnesium, can lead to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and trouble that woman's monthly pre-menstrual (PMS). With eating chocolate will increase magnesium in the daily nutrient intake that causes increased levels of progesterone in women. This reduces the negative effects of PMS. So, do not worry about eating chocolate because chocolate provide many benefits to our bodies.
- Topic :chocolate
- Controlling idea : Chocolate is the name for the processed food or drinks from the seeds of cacao (Theobroma cacao).
- Supporting sentences : Who does’nt like chocolate ? adults up to children love chocolate. But, most women avoid chocolate because fear of being fat. In fact, chocolate containing cocoa (cocoa seeds) more than 70% has many health benefits because chocolate contains antioxidants. The amount of oxidant content in chocolate three times more than green tea. As antioxidants able to reduce cholesterol in the blood able to reduce cholesterol in the blood so that it can reduce the risk of heart attack also useful to prevent cancer in the body, prevent the occurrence of stroke and high blood pressure. In addition to the grease content in Chocolate high quality proven cholesterol-free and does not clog arteries. Chocolate also contains some vitamins that are useful for body such vitamins A, vitamins B1, vitamins C, vitamins D, dan vitamins E. moreover, chocolate also contains substances and nutrients which is important for the body such as iron, potassium and calcium. Cocoa is the highest natural source of magnesium. If a person is deficient in magnesium, can lead to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and trouble that woman's monthly pre-menstrual (PMS). With eating chocolate will increase magnesium in the daily nutrient intake that causes increased levels of progesterone in women. This reduces the negative effects of PMS.
- Concluding sentences : So, do not worry about eating chocolate because chocolate provide many benefits to our bodies.